Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So, I'm new to this blog thing...

I love reading other peoples' blogs and admire their wittiness and devotion to writing regularly. I probably won't be very witty or write very regularly, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway...I can't imagine anyone even caring enough to take the time to read about my mundane life, but who knows? Maybe someone's days are even more boring than mine!

For those of you poor souls who somehow found your way to my page and thought you might find some entertainment, let me introduce myself:

My name's Jess and I'm 25. I'm married to my high school sweetheart, Mike, and we have an amazing little boy named Lawrence. I work part-time as an event coordinator and have a side business doing invitations/announcements/etc.

My son absolutely amazes me every day. No, he's not some sort of genius...speaking in full sentences at 12.5 months or something...I'm just completely blown away that this little mini version of my husband and me managed to get all our good qualities and none of our bad. Thank GOD, by the way! I was definitely expecting a little hybrid of our bad features (definitely thought he was destined to bad ears and a bad nose) and a combination of my rudeness and inability to compromise and my husband's moodiness and temper. Sure, there's definitely still time for those lovely personality traits (and ears and nose) to develop, but my son is the sweetest, funniest, most laid-back little guy.

My best friend just reminded me tonight that when I was pregnant I obsessed over whether or not my kid would be "unfortunate looking." I made her promise to tell me the honest truth about my child's looks because I wanted to be able to compensate with cute clothing if he was a dog (and let's face it -- some kids just aren't cute...) I didn't think I'd be able to tell and I wanted her to let me know so that I didn't take some homely kid out in public in just a plain ol' white onesie and knit pants. Not that I would have cared -- I'd have loved my kid to the moon if he looked like Clay Aiken (which some people have said he does. Pshaw, I say!). I just didn't want to put people in the awkward predicament of not knowing what to say. I mean, for whatever reason, people are just compelled to make a fuss over babies in the grocery store or Target or the mall. And I didn't want to force people to have to a) lie to my face and tell me my kid was cute or b) struggle with not telling a lie and give me some sort of "awwww...what a, pair of socks?" kind of line. Thankfully, Lawrence outgrew the initial cone-headedness/yellowness and turned into a rather dashing little baby, if I don't say so myself (and if you don't think so, that's fine...just tell me you like his socks at least).

Here's a few photos of me/my little family:
Here's us at Christmastime
Lawrence around 10.5 months

A recent one (12 months)

Unbelievable that this was over a YEAR ago!

Not the best picture of my kid, but I look reasonably okay, which, let's face it -- it's pretty damn hard to find an acceptable photo of myself even a year postpartum.

I'm really rather boring. But, hey -- maybe blogging will help me document of some of Lawrence's milestones, since Lord knows they don't make it into his baby book until I've forgotten the actual dates and I have to just make stuff up...

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