Monday, February 4, 2008

So, I decided that I need to quit being such a downer. At least on my blog. I'm not sure anyone really reads it anyway, but on the off chance that someone does take the time to puruse it, I think I should probably -- as Hannah Montana would say -- build a bridge and get over it. If I still need to whine and vent about how unfair my life is, I can't write about it in a journal (or at the very least, a word doc saved on my hard drive...typing is a lot easier, you know?)

Yesterday I went to see "27 Dresses." I didn't have very high expectations. I was dying to see it, but totally figured it would have a plot so predictable my 13-month-old could have written it. I was very pleasantly surprised with it, though. It was totally cute and had a deeper story line than I would have guessed. Probably the funniest part of the movie wasn't even on the screen, though. I went with my sister and we were 2 minutes late (which, if you know us, is actually pretty good!). The previews were alread playing and we took some seats next to a guy. He looked like he was saving the seat to his right, so we sat on his left. I was way into the movie, but when the lights came up I noticed the coat was still piled in the seat next to him. This late 20s/early 30s guy totally came to see "27 Dresses" by.him.self. My sister and I couldn't stop cracking up about it on the way out. I mean, really?! What?! I hope he didn't run into anyone he knew because that's just embarrassing. It's hard to get Mike to go to a girly movie WITH me. He would never go WITHOUT.

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