Friday, February 29, 2008

So *some people* suggested I had writing skills worthy of blogging. So, I decided to end my little pity party and get back on the horse named Blogger.

I thought about starting all over -- I even went so far as setting up an entirely new account. But, then I came back and read my posts and decided oh, what the hell. (...okay, if I'm completely honest, it's that I'm REALLY lazy and I just didn't want to have to re-download my photos).

Since my last few posts were a bit

I decided that I should discuss a few things that make me happy today.

#1: My sweet little boy's cuddles. He was just fussing in his crib, so I went to lay him down and make sure he had his paci. He gave me his first ever, arms-around-my-neck, big solid hug. THAT was awesome.

#2: The weather. Thank you JESUS for this beautiful day. The sun is shining, I didn't require my mittens and I'm *almost* warm enough inside my house to not be wrapped up in my blanket-cape.

I am a bit disappointed that my freshly washed car with its shiny new bumper is now disgusting again (waaah WAHHH).


Mmmm. And you know that ever since I read the article that "diet pop makes you fatter" I've been livin' it up with my little full-sugar friend!


aka, my BFF (we have matching rings and everything). I can tell her anything and everything. Plus, she totally sees the humor in the most ridiculous things. For example, speaking to one another as though we're in the SNL "Teaaar-get" skit. We have regular conversations with that accent daily. It's freaking hilarious. You should try it.


I kid you not. I have eaten a box and a half in a week. And it's not that I'm a huge pig...I've just been eating me Lucky Charms for every meal I can get away with.

It's a good thing Lawrence gives me #1 or I wouldn't share my marshmallows with him at all.

I do feel that the marshamallow to cereal ratio has increased since I was a kid and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I mean, I love me horseshoes, rainbows and pots o' gold as much as the next lass, but there is definitely a point where it becomes overload. But hell, maybe the added charms will bring me some luck!

And, that folks, is all I've got for today. But, I've committed to writing daily. We'll see if that happens...I'm lucky if I can make myself get DRESSED every day. SO, if you see me slacking, tell me to get on it (and to put on some "real" clothes...'cause Lord knows I'm probably just in yoga pants and an old pitted out t-shirt).

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