Saturday, March 1, 2008

First of all, how is it after 5pm? I can't believe that the entire day is gone already. I will say that it has been quite a productive day for both myself and Mr. Mamarazzi.

Mike decided that he just *had* to get the new floor in this weekend. What can I say? The man loves a project. As soon as he mentioned words like "tearing out tile" and "sanding" and "nail gun," I began plotting my escape. I want to be NOWHERE near when that man starts messing with tools! Not that he's not handy -- he totally is (thank God). He's actually really awesome around the house. But, he gets frustrated easily. And starts talking to himself. The homeplace becomes a very uncomfortable setting when Mike and his tools are on the loose.

Mike started breaking tiles at 9 this morning. Lawrence didn't seem bothered at all by the incessant pounding, but I felt my eardrums were going to begin bleeding soon, so I got a plan! Which Lawrence foiled. Of COURSE he'd want to nap as soon as I was ready to leave! Of COURSE he'd want in his crib and would whine and fuss until I was completely ready to head out the door and would then pass out with his little booty in the air! Ugh. And Mike didn't stop working just because our dear son was slumbering. Nope. The man was on a mission. So, Law slept a grand total of 20 minutes (instead of his normal 2 hours). But, I didn't care! I quickly changed my cranky toddler into some public-worthy clothes (I looked like crap, but I always figure if my kid looks painfully cute, no one will pay attention to me anyway) and headed out.

I met my BFF Tracy at the mall. I'm on the hunt for new shoes for Lawrence. The poor kid probably thinks I'm performing some sort of Chinese foot-binding ritual on him with as tight as his current shoes are. It's not that I haven't been looking, but a) it's really hard to find cute toddler shoes, b) I want leather or canvas because anything with a "man made upper" creates a stinky foot situation (who KNEW a 14 month old's hooves could get so RANK? I mean, dang! That child's dogs bark about as loudly as his father's!) and c) I am not spending over $30 on a pair of shoes that my son will wear for a millisecond. Apparently, there's not a whole lot on the market in the way of affordable, attractive, leather/cotton toddler shoes.

After scouring the mall, we came up short. I did find these at the Gap:

They looked sooooo cute on him, but they, of course, didn't have his size. I may run out later and see if I can score a pair elsewhere.

What I DID get him was his Easter outfit. Ladies, lock up your daughters...because Lawrence Axel will be rockin' a TIE! (tee hee!!)
Oh dear God. Junior just got up...and Mike is back at it with the saw. Someone save me! Seriously, though, the floor looks awesome. I'll have to post a pic later.

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