Tuesday, March 11, 2008

If there are people actually reading this and were anticipating new entries over the past few days, my apologies.

I was gone most of the weekend while my lovely husband (and his generous twin brother) installed hardwood flooring in our kitchen and dining rooms.

dining room before:

dining room after:

kitchen before:

kitchen after:

So, that's where I've been.

I will admit that I typed up a huge long post yesterday and decided to forgo publishing it. Because it was about pooping. At work. 'Nuf said.

In other news, this morning in the shower, I was thinking about something...I *love* the smell of "Clean Linen." I have candles in that scent, potpourri in that flavor, it's the kind of air freshener I always buy. However, I realized yesterday that my laundry -- MY clean linens -- never smell like that. Why, oh, WHY isn't there a laundry detergent/fabric softener that smells like my candles? It annoys me.

Other things that annoyed me today:
  • My neighbors yelling incessantly at their children from inside their house...with their windows open. Uh, thanks. We're ALL trying to enjoy the nice weather here, folks. You're not the only ones with your windows open so STFU.
  • People driving like bats out of hell. COME THE FRICK ON, PEOPLE. I've had to deal with your shitty driving all winter long -- you drove like it was the Indy 500 when the roads were a death trap and like my grandpa on sedatives when there was one snowflake on the ground. Suddenly there's a burst of spring weather and you all decide that you want to try and reenact "The Fast and the Furious" all the way down Sorensen on onto 90th? I hate you all.
  • Morons who are completely uneducated and call into the radio to spread their idiocy to others...and completely trash talk Omaha. You don't like it here? Get the eff out. Omaha's been making great strides of late and people who poke fun and have ZERO clue about what's actually going on piss me off. Big time. And I'm not even one of those fundamental "OMG!! I LOVVVVVE the Big O!" type of people. I just happen to know what the eff is going on in my community and people who don't and complain piss me off.
  • Daylight Savings Time. OYYYYYYYY. And as a function, my frozen Diet Coke. How do they relate? Easy. I couldn't fall asleep last night because my body wasn't ready yet. I finally dozed off around 12 (and it's normally around 11). So, Mike gets me up at 6am. Normal time. Except that it still feels like 5am to me. Which is God's hour, as far as I'm concerned. So, I was extra tired all day and needed a bit of an afternoon caffeine fix. But my pop was warm. So, I threw it in the work freezer for awhile. Apparently, that thing is a subzero phenomenon because it froze my Diet Coke solid in record time. And I NEEDED it. I allowed it to thaw, but I'm sure you all know that when you open a once-frozen can of pop, an explosion ensues...in my case, it was all over a bunch of forms that I really need. Ugh.
  • American Idol. It sucks this year. Every other season, I've had a favorite from the auditions. This time, not so much. I have a couple that I sort-of like, but I don't get in a tizzy over any of them. Maybe if dreads cut his hair off... Also, WTF, David Archilta? Um, dude. Remember the words. And you looked like a goon. What's with the lip-licking? I like you. I really do. But, I was really embarrassed for you tonight and I really don't like feeling that uncomfortable about things that aren't my own doing, mmkay?
  • Amanda Obermeyer. I know she's part of American Idol, but she deserves her own bullet point on my annoyances list. Girl, you look like Cruella DeVille. Every week. Your wardrobe NEED NOT match your skunky-ass hair do. Black and white patterned pants are a fashion NO, no matter what the circumstance. And what is WITH the scarves? Yikes. I hope you get kicked off very, very soon because as soon as you do, I'm making a personal plea to Stacy and Clinton.

Now that all THAT's off my chest, I think I'll hit the sack.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Your floors look badass, please send them my way.

Really though, was it a huge job? We've talked about doing the same thing to our kitchen/dining room, but I imagined it being a hellish process.