Monday, March 3, 2008

Take THAT, Kohl's!

Success is mine. After a long day, which ended with my son not taking his 2.5 hour afternoon nap at all, I've not only solved the Great Search for a Nantucket Style Frame but also the Great Shoe Hunt of 2008!

Lawrence, as always, was a trooper. We started at the photo frames and found two of the three that I needed. I added them to the cart and headed to the shoes. I quickly found the pair I'd been eyeing for Mike and located his size -- SCORE! They had them. I then made my way to the children's shoes. They had a bunch of different styles!! Some that were even included in the "Buy One, Get One Free" sale. ::choir sings:: Just for kicks (get it! "kicks!" As in, a slang term for shoes! Bwahahahaha!), I thought I'd look at the Adidas Superstar 2Gs I'd been coveting just yesterday. I couldn't believe my eyes! Perched neatly on the little display shelf was the shoe I wanted...with a tag attached to it proclaiming it as part of the sale!!! I threw the lame brown shoes I had settled on back on the shelf and found Law's size. Ba-da-bing! They were MINE.

Until I got to the check out. When, again, a teenaged checker tried to deprive me of adorable FREE footwear. I laid down the law -- there was a sign! Attached to the very shoe! Amazingly, she didn't believe me. An eternity later, someone from the shoe department called. I'd been convinced that they were hunting down a scissor to remove the aforementioned tag from the shoe so they wouldn't have to give it to me for free. But, the girl reluctantly overrode the price on her computer, warning me that if I wanted to return them, it would be a 'nightmare.' Uh, free shoes is a nightmare I'm willing to have. Mmkay?

(a photo of Law's new shoes...I just realized I may need a new hobby if I'm seriously googling my 1-year-old's new footwear so I can post it in my blog...)

Poor Lawrence was fading FAST, but I had to head just 5 miles South to the other Kohl's and pick up the third frame my aunt had requested (by the way...does asking your niece to run around town after some elusive frames and then shelling out $40 apiece seem a bit over-the-top to anyone else?) I lugged Lawrence around the store on my hip because he was NOT having the cart anymore. It was naptime and he just wanted to be done with the shopping scene. After digging around and only toppling a few frames off their shelves (with one hitting my son in the head on the way...he's fine), I finally found the blasted thing. Then, I was faced with the problem of buying only one frame during a "Buy One, Get One Free" sale. My aunt had said I could pick out a free one for myself. I didn't take nearly as long as I would have liked, but I finally found one that would do and was on my way.

A shout out to Nana, by the way, for picking up Lawrence's shoes for Easter today. My son didn't just get one pair of shoes...he got THREE. And Mike got one. Guess how many mama got. None. 'Tis the life of a mother, I suppose...

I'm exhausted. I was more productive today than I've been in weeks...months even.

And because he's SO damn cute (and because this is my current favorite outfit of his...and it's true, he has better shoes AND clothes than his mother), here's some pics of my little man from today:

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