Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What a Wonderful Wednesday (and HOLLER for alliteration!)

Recipe for a Happy Hump Day:

-One 15-minute chair massage by a talented masseuse
-One Slim 2 from Jimmy John's
-One shocking observation from husband
-One child eating new foods

To quote the most articulate woman EVER, Paula Abdul:

"Two words: Phe. Nominal."

I've had this kink in my neck and right shoulder since Sunday. It's bad enough that I've almost gotten in a car accident because I can't properly turn my head and that I've taken several more Advil than the bottle recommends consuming in a 24-hour period. So, when our HR director said the masseuse would be in the office today, I signed the hell UP. **Bonus! Didn't cost me a penny! My lovely boss had given me a gift certificate!!**

You may be wondering how I developed such a heinous kink. Well, I was, too. Until I had an epiphany last night just before bed. I had a flashback to Sunday afternoon when I had Law on my shoulders. And then I got him down. And his foot got caught in my turtleneck. And. I dropped him. Aha! The pain is from me instinctively trying to twist and grab my poor least it's well-earned pain...and not just some random, "oops-I-slept-on-my-neck-wrong" ailment.

Anyway, Becki (our fabulous masseuse...who, by the way, just had an ELEVEN POUND, TEN OUNCE about PAIN), did an amaaaaaazing job. This was only my second professional massage ever and I didn't have very high hopes considering the last one left me bruised for days and caused internal trauma to my kidneys.

But I digress.

Relaxed and relatively pain-free, I returned to my desk and checked my email. One from Mike, saying he was hungry and could go for some Jimmy's. So what if I had it yesterday? So what if I had a Lean Cuisine in the freezer? I was DOWN with that.

He met me at my office and we walked to Jimmy's. On the way, the strangest thing happened. Mike was looking at me a bit oddly. I, of course, demanded to know WHY.

"Your eyeshadow," he said. "It looks good. You don't normally wear a looks really nice."

UMMMMMMM. Wait a second. We've been together nearly 8 years. At no point in our relationship would I ever have described Mike to be observant when it comes to things related to the female appearance. Observant about pointless construction projects along the highway? Absolutely. Observant of our neighbors and exactly who does what when? Yep. Observant of which hamburger is larger on the grill so he can make sure he puts cheddar on the other one, ensuring he gets the bigger one? Every.single.time. But observant about my appearance? Not so much.

I was a bit dumbfounded. And then self-conscious. He was absolutely right. I had decided to step outside my little neutral-colored box this morning. Instead of going with my usual dark silver, I adventured over to the tin immediately next to it in my compact and swept on some purple. Then I decided it was too much and feared I'd look "80s," so I tried to neutralize it by applying a bit of my old standby, gray, on top. I can't believe he noticed. And liked it. Amazing.

This is getting really long-winded, so let me just say that I'm stoked as hell that Lawrence is eating the meals Mike and I eat instead of his standard rotation of bananas, mac & cheese, fruit cups, pancakes and mixed veggies. The child gobbled up ham, au gratin potatoes, carrot slices and grapes. These are all new foods for him. HOLLER. Millie said he's eating like a fiend at daycare, too...maybe he's having a growth spurt and is just so hungry he doesn't care. Maybe it's because he's distracted by the novelty of his food being on a plate and being given a fork to eat with. I don't really give a crap WHY he's eating so many new things and so much of them. I'm just going to keep shoveling new foods in while he's receptive and hope a few of them stick!

(by the way...I realize this was probably the longest, most annoying post EVER. I hereby vow to always include a photo of break up my ramblings from now on).

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